P-C4H34-2411 Practice Materials & P-C4H34-2411 Actual Exam & P-C4H34-2411 Test Prep

P-C4H34-2411 Practice Materials & P-C4H34-2411 Actual Exam & P-C4H34-2411 Test Prep

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SAP Certified Professional - Developer - SAP Commerce Cloud Sample Questions (Q36-Q41):

In which of the following cases can a Solr indexing operation be initiated? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. When you invoke an index operation in Backoffice on an instance of SolFacetSearchConfig
  • B. When your code makes an API call to a Spring bean instance of IndexerQueryContext
  • C. When the cache is cleared in the HAC
  • D. When the SAP Commerce Cloud instance is restarted

Answer: A,D

You need to create a Cron Job for an automated task that will be performed every day at midnight which steps can you follow? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Create a CronJob item and a trigger for midnight using ImpEx or Backoffice.
  • B. Register a Cronjob bean to refer to the java implementation.
  • C. Define a job bean in your extension's spring configuration file.
  • D. Register a ServiceLayerJob bean in your extension's Spring configuration file.
  • E. Define the Job logic in a class that implements the JobPerformable interface or extends its sub-class

Answer: A,D,E

You restart the platform without running "ant all". Which of the following changes take effect?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Definition of a new item type in the items.xml file for an extension
  • B. Removal of an extension from the localextensions.xml file
  • C. Changes to database properties in the local.properties file
  • D. Addition of a Spring bean definition

Answer: C,D

What should you pay attention to when connecting two widgets?

  • A. The input socket's type must be a sub type of a composed item type.
  • B. The input socket's type should be the same as the output socket's type.
  • C. The output socket's type must be the same as the input socket type.
  • D. The output socket's type does not have to be the same as the input socket's type.

Answer: C

Which of the following is a mechanism used by WCMS to position components on a page?

  • A. The component's CurrentPosition attribute is used to determine which component within the page the item should be displayed in.
  • B. The Page item has a position map that links each component to the component in the page that the item should be displayed in.
  • C. The position attribute in the ContentSlotForTemplate item is used to identify the slot in the page that the item should be displayed in.
  • D. The ContentSlot item's code property is used to determine which slot in the page that the item should be displayed in.

Answer: C


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